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We all have the freedom to shape our own lives and therefore also the responsibility.
  • I firmly believe that anything truly desired in life is possible.
  • Integrity, commitment, and authenticity in life are the keys to a fulfilled life.
  • Every step we take on our personal path is the right one.
  • Mistakes are opportunities to grow. The biggest and truest developmental steps result from life crises, from mistakes, from all situations where „things“ don’t run smoothly.
  • (Almost) everything is in our own hands.
  • We are free to decide.
  • We are allowed to be ourselves.
  • We are allowed to have a good life.

My coaching approach is systemic and based on positive cognitive science.

 This states that we all live in our own world. The brain is our actual organ of perception. Our perception is always subjectively colored. Whatever is inside you is out there.

„We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.“

Anais Nin

Problems are constructs and interpretations that, depending on the time and situation, can only be perceived by the people concerned in their own reality.

„Problem talking creates problems. Solution talking creates solutions”

Steve de Shazer

I am firmly convinced that it is not important how a problem has arisen.

When we deal with the problem, we always end up at a dead end. What matters is that we develop a solution from the current situation that will help us move forward.

I am also firmly convinced that we carry the answers to all our constructs and interpretations, which we call problems, within ourselves.

In constructivist coaching, systemic questions can be used to make the coachee aware of their own constructs in relation to a topic that is of concern to them. This allows the coachee to work together with the coach on their constructs, which are useful for achieving their goals.

The approach takes place at eye level in an atmosphere of trust.

I use the systemic approach. This enables a holistic view as well as a variety of perspectives and different interpretations and truths.

I also offer NeuroEmbodiment elements that enable the coachee to enter a resourceful state and develop their own solutions that can be transferred to everyday life.

All the best and much joy on your very personal journey.
I look forward to supporting you.

„Everything is choice, your choice“ 

Jim Fortin