Hello, I am Sorina.
My mission is to bring women into their potential, for more fulfillment and joy not only at work, but in life.
Hello, I’m Sorina.
My mission is to bring women into their potential, for more fulfillment and joy not only at work, but in life.
My story
I was always aware that there was something holding me back, slowing me down – and yet I had already achieved so much …! A good job in a company that fulfills me in terms of content, management responsibility and the joy of leading and guiding others well. I’m committed to diversity – I came to Germany from Romania at the age of 28 – because I’m absolutely convinced that diversity is the key to success. In my private life, I had found happiness and was healthy. It’s a dream life, one that I’m sure some people envy. A superior once said: „They give you lemons and you make lemonade out of them“.
And yet … There were struggles that no one suspected I had. Something that limited me again and again, even blocked me and made many a day or project difficult for me, above all interfering with my development.
I couldn’t let go of this „nevertheless“ – even though I wanted to get rid of it. Absolutely. I realized that there was a key here that was diminishing my self-worth. I wanted to free myself from it. I wanted to be free.
I poked around in the fog for years until one day enlightenment in the form of a formidable coach brought the sun into my diffuse emotional state. We dug through layer by layer to the source of my limitations, which were rooted in my childhood. What followed was an arc – not easy, but very exciting – into my emotional world as a girl with far too much responsibility at far too young an age.
When the fog had lifted, I wrote a letter to my parents and one to myself as a child at the end of the process. I read both out loud to my confidant, my husband, and burst into tears.
When I think of that moment, I usually still do, but the tears are not ones of sadness, rather I cry out of pure redemption and joyful emotionality. As much as the origin hurt me as a child, this push opened the very door that had been closed for so long. I now know how to spell the word L-I-B-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.
Today, my joy about my journey shines so brightly that I want to pass on what I was able to experience. I feel that my discovery is like a treasure that I’ve saved. Something like a sense of responsibility has developed in me to pass this gift on to others – maybe to you?. Because I believe that, like love, we should pass on our knowledge, because it multiplies when we share it. That is my motivation. And my great vision is that one day we will all be mentally healthy and free.
As a young woman, I decided to study engineering. I was driven by a curiosity to understand how matter and everything around us works.
I studied Materials Science at the University Politechnica Bucharest and then completed my doctorate at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen with a DAAD scholarship.
My carrier
I later joined the aviation industry as an engineer.
Through various tasks, roles, and functions, I have always tried out diversity, new tasks and implemented many projects and have been a manager in a listed aviation company for 20 years.
Through my work as a manager, I have learned what leadership is, how important it is to first understand and lead yourself before you can lead other people well. This is where my passion as a coach and mentor comes from.
Volunteering as a board member of a non-profit organization that promotes young women in STEM professions.
Mentor of young professionals -
Various trainings since 2012 until today:
- Mental Trainer (Thomas Baschab Academy)
- Systemic coach (Practitioner, Master) – Competence on Top
- NLP Practitioner, Master and Coach – Mental Coaching Academy (certification by Richard Bandler)
- Business Lifecoach/Teamcoach – Mental Coaching Academy
- Neuromental short-term coach (coach for mental and psychological health) – Mental Coaching Academy
- NeuroEmbodiment Coach (NESC) – Britta Kimpel
- Yoga teacher training – Patrick Broome Academy, Sonja Söder, Annette Lengersdorf
- Various meditation seminars – Buddhahaus Munich, Orange Room, Jagata Schaad
- Hypnosis training – TherMedius